Counterfeit crochet meets counterfeit couture; the crafty ladies behind this global movement are taking a D.I.Y approach to Chanel, Gucci, Fendi and even Prada. Though they may create lumpy and modified versions of the latest designer must haves, there is something none the less appealing.
The idea of creating your own “original” bag flirts with the idea of bootlegging or pirating a brands logo. I doubt the trendsetters find this flattering but it just goes to show the lengths people will go to have their logo, even if it means they have to crochet their little hearts out to get it!!
Visit the movement or pick up your patterns at:
The idea of creating your own “original” bag flirts with the idea of bootlegging or pirating a brands logo. I doubt the trendsetters find this flattering but it just goes to show the lengths people will go to have their logo, even if it means they have to crochet their little hearts out to get it!!
Visit the movement or pick up your patterns at:
Love, Post Miss.
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